The inspiration for this segment of a story is from a picture out of an IKEA furniture magazine. I would pick a room and imagine what type of person lived there and then write a short story about them.
Tick, tick, tick, Kerry loved the sound of the keys of her computer as she typed. ‘Darkness closed ‘round him, he tried to thrash his way out, but it clung to him like a heavy blanket. He couldn’t breathe! Help! His mind screamed inside. He opened his eyes, water was all around him! How did he get there? He couldn’t move, he just kept sinking, he needed air! Something grabbed him from behind, and then…’ “And then what?” Kerry thought aloud. She hated writers’ block, just when she got to a good part in the story, she got stuck and it could take days to get some inspiration. Maybe I just need a break. She thinks to herself as she gets up and turns on the T.V. “Do you see stuff that’s not there?” a TV ad for some medication was on. Kerri watched the lady, with a cheesy fake smile on her face; list the signs of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. “Do you have trouble sleeping at night because of vivid nightmares?” “I’ve got it!” Kerri exclaims out loud. She turns off the TV and rushes over to her laptop. ‘And then… he woke up. He saw he had kicked the blankets off the bed. Only a dream… only a dream. He told himself in the dead silence he could hear his heart thumping like a drum. Thud, thud, thud. When it finally slowed down he got up and paced in the moonlight streaming in through his window. Another dream, it was so real… I don’t think I’ll ever be able to sleep again. He thought to himself.’ “There!” Kerri said aloud, hitting the save button and closing the laptop. Her stomach rumbled, how long had it been since she had eaten? She couldn’t remember. Was it hours… days? I better eat. She told herself heading to her tiny kitchen. How long was I sitting there in the dark? She thought as she suddenly realized that it was pitch black outside. She flipped on the light in the kitchen and opened the fridge. She sighed, it was empty. Guess it’ll be pizza… again. She sighed even deeper and headed to the phone. Reality was so tough. Why couldn’t she just stay in her imagination, there, at least she had some control over things.