Saturday, September 24, 2011

My Sister's Bridal Shower

My sister, Stephanie, is getting married! This means that there will be a bridal shower held for her at our church, and I end up with the responsibility of coming up with games. The thought had overwhelmed me, that one simple task. I had never gone to any bridal showers, and only once when I was little I went to a baby shower and one of the only games I can remember is where you have to melt an ice cube and get the plastic baby out of it, that wouldn't do for a bridal shower! I finally convinced my mom to come up with a list of games from off the internet and I would pick out a couple. But the best game, at least in my mind, wasn't searched up on the internet at all. my family and I had gone out to eat at Culver's and we realized that no one knew what Stephanie's fiancé looked like, and we joked about having a game where the people would have to pick out of a bunch of pictures of men the guy she was marring. We realized that was actually a good idea and this afternoon Emily, Mom, and myself searched the internet for some pictures. Emily and I wanted to add some pictures of celebrities that we knew, but Mom and I realized it would be too obvious. Stephanie is coming over tonight and she won't let us use any pictures unless she approves of them first, I certainly can't blame her.

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