Sunday, January 5, 2014

List Sundays: Reasons Why I Quit Making New Year's Resolutions

  • Everyone else is doing them. Where's the fun in copying others? I like to be an original.

  • I found a better tradition for the New Year. Instead of goals, I pick one word that I want to strive to be like for the whole year. This year my word is NOW; meaning letting go of worrying about the future and dwelling on the past and instead simply enjoying life in the present moment (a little more about this new way of resolutions if your interested;

  • No one ever actually meets their goals anyway, myself including. Why keep doing it when it only makes you frustrated with yourself?

  • Life isn't about trying to be better for a set amount of time. It's about constantly growing and learning from mistakes every single moment of our lives.

  • I don't need to wait for the beginning of the year to start having good habits. Every day I wake up I can decide to be the person I want to be, or sometimes I can just put life on hold and take a personal day off to be an emotional poet wandering around asking deep sounding questions.
Bill Watterson

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