Thursday, June 19, 2014

We Interrupt for this Important Message

The weather had been brewing up a threatening storm all morning. Occasionally, the grey canopy above would get a rip in its seams and the rain for gush forth for several minutes before calming down.

Working under a strong wooden structure with a good roof, this didn't bother me too badly; only the worry that this weather could cancel the upcoming parade in the evening.

We had been working in the food booth at the city fair since ten in the morning. Now it is nearing the end of our shift and a few people for the next shift have arrived and are helping too. But business is slow so we mostly stand around and talk.

That's when it goes off; a low, menacing humming noise, coming from every direction.

I look around, confused, trying to locate the source; my thoughts are is that a tornado siren? If it is, it's not like one I've ever heard before.

Or it could be an alien invasion, and the frequency of the pitch would render us all unconscious soon. Then we'd all be sorted through and the choicest ones would be taken as food, like fattened calves are chosen to be butchered (guess who shouldn't have watched Signs when they were thirteen on New Year's Eve?)

Everyone else around me has the same puzzled look on their faces. For a moment, no one moves. Then, almost simultaneously, everyone else pulls out their cell phones. My friend grabs his out of his back pocket; Mom fumbles in her pockets for hers.

A flash flood warning, sent to every single cell phone at the exact same time.

"That was weird!" I comment, laughing out loud. Everyone else laughs over the incident as well.

Check these pictures out on my Flickr account: *TheDayDreamer*

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