Sunday, September 7, 2014

Sunday Social: VII

1. 5 Things you want us to know about you

1. When I say I'm not a "girl" I'm not saying I don't think I'm a female, it means I'm more of a tomboy - it's sad that in this culture I have to clarify that. 
2. I'm just a kid at heart, I've never really been a teen and I'll never really be an adult. Age is just a number.
3. Yes, I talk to myself when I'm alone.
4. I'm always willing to try something new.
5. I get mischievous impulses to do something, like to randomly throw a grape at someone (or worse, knock a vase down at the furniture store!) And sometimes I act on them.

Image Credit: Mom

2. 5 Favorite things about blogging

Sharing my drawings
Sharing my photography
Writing some more
Being able to design this blog

3. 5 Things you are doing before the year is over

Enjoying Thanksgiving, working on college, hanging out with friends, having my birthday, and breathing.

4. 5 Favorite Fall Fashion Staples

A jacket, a hat if it's windy so I don't get earaches, maybe a scarf, my camera around my neck, and I don't know... clothes.


5. 5 Favorite beauty products

A smile, clean hair, brushed teeth, a good night's sleep, and blue eyes.

Sunday Social


  1. Love your beauty products and I think it's great to always be a kid at heart. Happy Sunday Social!

  2. So nice to meet you!
    Just came across your blog! I am now following!
    Looking forward to keeping up!

