Sunday, November 30, 2014

Sunday Stealing: Shop On The Corner

What kind of job did your mom have when you were growing up? 

Teacher, Chef, Housemaid... also known as a stay at home mom who homeschooled us six kids

 Have you ever known anyone that’s been on tv, including you?

Little Sister has been in the background of a couple news specials, and a girl's group I used to be a part of was once interviewed for a Thanksgiving dinner they provided for the community, as well as my old pastor. Basically, my old church had several short news specials about different events going on that caused several people I know to be on TV. More recently, a couple of my friends were on a basketball team that went to state. Although I was personally at the game, I also know that it was on TV as well. Wow, that begins to add up to a lot of people that I know!

 What was the most interesting animal you have seen in the wild?

A family of racoons raiding a campsite. That's about as interesting as it gets

 What holiday do you enjoy the most? 

Thanksgiving, because it's all about focusing on what you're thankful for and eating good food with family

 What was the first video game you ever played? 

That's a hard one, I've been playing video games for as long as I can remember. Probably Sonic the Hedgehog or Super Mario or Donkey Kong

 What is the one thing you own, that if it got lost, you would be bummed?

The ring on my left ring finger. It represents my promise to God to live a single life. This is the third one I've had, the other two tarnished and broke. Besides being higher quality, this one finally fits my tiny finger perfectly, so it would be pretty frustrating to lose it.

 Do you have a favorite breakfast item? 

Probably spinach with ranch. It's one of the most refreshing and satisfying things to start the day off with!

 What do you find yourself buying all the time? 

No, because I don't have the money, and I'm always working at being content with what I already have

 When was the last time you got a real letter in the mail?

Just a couple weeks ago

 Do you have a most prized piece of jewelry?

Refer back to the question about losing an item

 Do you own any board games? 


 What chore seems the most daunting right now?

Putting up all the Christmas decorations with very little energy in my bones

 Were you born in the state you live in? 


 Have you ever lived in a house that has been broken into? 

... If you don't count your own brother breaking in while you're on vacation then no

 What is your favorite cheese? 

Cheese (everything but that fake sliced American stuff that is!)

 Who do you know that watches the most sports? 

 Oldest Brother and almost all my closest friends

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