Monday, March 2, 2015

Trying My Hand at Car Design

For my college design class I had the chance to design a car! Introducing... *dramatic drum roll*
The X Flow

The idea for this car has actually been stowed away in my mind for a really long time. It's been slowly pieced together as I've sat in cars over the years and thought about aerodynamics as I look out the window and wonder how one could make them even more aerodynamic. This car (and a bicycle car) have been the two main designs that keep reoccurring in my thoughts. Finally, I've had an excuse to put the idea to paper!

The car has no windows. It seats only one person, who has to lay almost flat because the ceiling is so low (which is roughly modeled in the lower car of the color version of my sketches). The car is not automated however. The driver is able to view the outside road through virtual reality goggles that have live feeds from sensors placed all around the car. The effect is almost as if one is not in a car, but riding free on a motorcycle. The steering is controlled by two levers on other side of the person, while gas and break pedals are in their normal spots at the driver's feet. The slim body of the car itself tappers off into a razor, wind cutting edge along it's spine.

So, it's not perfect, and a lot of this stuff would probably not work outside of theory, but that wasn't the goal of the assignment. The goal was to come up with a design, which I have done. The coloring I added on top of the scan with a touch screen painting app I have on my new laptop, it's really cool, I think I'm going to like that app!

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