Sunday, October 5, 2014

Sunday Social: IX

1. Favorite Month and why?

September. Since my birthday is in that month, it's always felt like "my month." Also, I love the weather, it gets cooler, but still is enjoyable and the leaves begin to change colors and you start thinking about warm foods and good books and Thanksgiving coming up. It's a warm and cozy, but at the same time, sad and wistful month because fall is beautiful, but summer is dying.

Image Credit: Mom

2. Favorite Holiday and why?

Thanksgiving! There's good food, fun times with family and friends, and no pressure to buy or receive gifts. It's a time when being with the people you love is gift enough. And I feel as if I have just recently answered this question...

3. Are you getting the new iPhone or are you more of an Android person?

Ha! My phone, bought only for $5.00, is all I need. It's got a slide out keyboard for texting and number buttons for calling. That's all a phone really needs (plus a camera. I sometime call my mom's phone a camera cause that's about all I use it for!) I'm not even sure if it falls into either of the above brand names... it's definitely not an iphone, so if all other phones fall into the other category, than that's what I've got.

4. Most thoughtful gift you have ever received from someone?

 This one's hard... although I've gotten a lot of amazing gifts in my 18 years, the one that comes to my mind as being "thoughtful" was when Oldest Brother gave me a figurine of the Final Fantasy X character, Yuna and a set of golden metal keyblades from the video game Kingdom Hearts. Maybe it's just because it speaks to my geeky side though!

The Southeastern

5. Something you can’t wait to splurge on?

I feel like I just splurged on some summer clothes that were on sale for $2.00 a piece... and I feel like I splurge each time I pay for my own meal when eating out... but future splurges? I don't have a lot on my wish list. I've got more than I need and am extremely blessed. I guess there's nothing I'm looking forward to splurging on (except maybe to see how cheaply I can get some new winter clothes next spring!)

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