Sunday, August 24, 2014

Sunday Social: VI

1. What are you most looking forward to about Fall?

Fall is one of my favorite times of the year, I always look forward to Thanksgiving. And now that I'm out in the country I am enjoying fields and fields of corn ready to be harvested and am excited to watch them be slowly eaten up by combines. I'm also looking forward to my first year of college,  and finding out what this new chapter of my life and friendships will hold.

2. What is your favorite sports team?

Honestly, I've not been into sports that much, and never very loyal to any team. Not until I started going to the local high school sports, that is. So, although it's no famous team or anything, my favorite sports team is the Wolverine's, where the players are my friends and cheering the team on becomes way more exciting than just yelling at the T.V.

3. If you could go back to college is there one thing you would change?

Well, that is yet to be found out, isn't it? And since I take a view of life that everything, including the failures and mess ups, makes you who you are and helps you get to the point in life that you're at, I usually don't want to change anything in the past. If I could, there's no telling who or where I'd be right now! Since I'm extremely happy with where I am, that's quite a scary thought

4. What was your favorite class you ever took? HS or College

So far, I'd have to say it was my screenwriting course that I took in high school.

Barnes & Noble

5. Reach into your purse what is the first thing you grab?

*Digs into the main pocket of purse; a plastic wrapper crinkles, something rattles* Ta-da! A small little booklet with the title "Comforting Thoughts." It's a free thing I picked up at a garage sale somewhere, filled with little poems about God's beauty and how He carries us through the hard times.

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