Sunday, August 10, 2014

The Dragon in Our Story

Storms. I’ve always had a strange fascination with them. Not the storms themselves, but the drama and fear that goes before and behind them.

Every time the tornado sirens went off, chills of both fear and excitement would go up and down my spine when I was little.

I’d gather all my valuables – when I was older, that just meant that I made sure my cat Snarfy was downstairs with me – and I’d sit and excitedly watch all the flurry of activity around me.

My imagination would be filled with all the things we’d have to do if a tornado really did come and destroyed everything.

It was always a little disappointing, but still relieving, when that storm never hit.

And when the electricity would go out, that’s when my imagination would really catch fire. I’d pretend it’d stay out all month, and I’d think of all the things we’d have to do to survive.

It was always sad when the lights came back on in an hour.

For some reason I’ve always had this desire for some type of excitement to happen in my life, some sort of drama that would make my life more like a movie.

When I see disasters happen on the news, that’s when I feel the most inspiration to go and write.

But still, for all my imagination, I know the real storm wouldn’t be any fun.

It’s nothing to wish for.

Just recently, a metaphorical storm has finally ripped through the land.

And the day after, I stood in the midst of the rubble, and I went through the day in a haze; heart heavy, feeling as if I was taking in the damage from a hurricane.

The news of Older Brother having been in a car crash, but not finding out until after the fact; that wasn’t like being in a storm, that was like watching it on T.V.

But that text late at night; that was a tsunami crashing over the coast.

My coast.

That was me standing and staring the ten foot wall of water full in the face.

And I hate to admit it, but for all that I wouldn’t have wished for this to ever happen… I still got those chills of excitement down my spine when I heard the news.

Life is hard, bad things happen; but it’s like a story, it’s all mixed in with beauty as well. There’s conflict, but that’s what makes the story good… and that’s what makes the resolution so satisfying.

If there weren’t any bad things that ever happened, we wouldn’t be able to truly enjoy the good times.

And the Author of this Story is a Good Author, His ending that He’s planning… it is far better and more satisfying than we could ever imagine.

Maybe that’s why I get chills down my spine, each time something bad happens, whenever another dragon raises its head to stand against the Kingdom… because I can see the pen strokes of the Author behind it all.

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