Monday, May 12, 2014

A Catching Up Post

AAAGHHHH! I'm falling behind with my daily post that talks about three gifts found in each day on here! Okay, to catch up, here's just a quick overview of what I've found these last few days that I haven't been writing.

May 8: Three gifts in a closet

1. My blue glass butterfly necklace
2. My blue bike helmet
3. My green jacket

May 9: Three gifts found in the dark

1. Playing basketball at dusk
2. The smell of chocolate in the dark kitchen
3. Falling asleep while listening to Lucy trying to wake up the trees

May 10: a gift outside, inside, upside down

1. Dribbling the basketball while rain drops fall
2. The pink flowers on the table
3. Raindrops falling on me with no clouds above

May 11: Three gifts about your parents
I was so busy that I forgot to look for three gifts during the day… opps. Here's some that I've thought up just now;

1. Driving home with Mom after a baccalaureate service and watching the lightning in the sky
2. Dad sharing a piece of his Reese's peanut butter heart with me
3. Mom always being there when I need to talk

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