Friday, November 1, 2013

Kindred Spirits

Today's prompt: "Write a letter to someone whom you judged by first impression."

Dear Tanya (or so I feel the name fits you),

                That day at testing, you sat in front of me at the next table; but I didn’t take much notice of you – or anyone for that matter, because at testing my rule is to keep my head down, get the work done and get out of there as soon as possible. I remember a fleeting thought passed through my mind of whether you were a guy or a girl; with your short blonde hair and your back tuned towards me. But I knew it was a silly thought because you were clearly a girl. I noticed, while we were waiting that you were drawing in your notebook; the way you ignored everyone else around you and looked as if you were completely comfortable with being yourself made me begin to take notice of you. I sensed that you weren’t that talkative and that you preferred to be left alone; a little Gothic or Emo I felt; and I began to think you were cool. Our first beak came, and all the other girls filed out of the room to whisper quietly in the hallway or something. I stayed in the room with the guys and you did too. When you walked past me to look out the window I noticed your outfit more, the same style that I like to wear; slightly feminine but mostly like a guy. That’s when I knew for sure; you were cool and I liked you. Somehow I sensed that you and I were similar; although you looked much more confident and comfortable with being yourself. After our second break, I didn’t really notice you much more; once testing was done I was just focusing on figuring out where I was supposed to be. But when I finally figured out to get my meal and come to the teen lounge in the first grade room, and everyone else was already there; the only open seat was between you and another girl. I felt as if you had purposely left that seat open between you and her for your own space; it’s what I would’ve done, but there was no other spot. You showed me you were friendlier than I had thought, and probably just as quirky as me, when you broke the silence first and pointed to the first grader’s name tag on the table and said that was your name. Finally I made a remark about how the soup was scaring me with all its onions, peppers, and other iffy looking things. This led to us both finding out we eat the same way; small meals with TONS of snacks. When we both found that we loved writing and playing video games; I feel like we became instant friends. We really didn’t stop talking until my Mom finally found me and said it was time to go. You and I were so alike, the only thing we found different was that you’re a night owl while I’m a morning person. We talked about our cats, favorite video games, and favorite drinks; surprisingly yours was milk just like mine. I found out we were both introverts and when you said you wouldn’t have any kids and I said I’ll never marry, just live in an apartment by myself; you didn’t look shocked like everyone else, you completely understood. You said that sometimes all you want is a log cabin in the middle of a woods all to yourself. We were, as Anne Shirley would put it, "Kindred Spirits." Thanks to my wonderful social skills, I never even got your name or any other way to get in contact with you after we parted. The sad truth is we’ll probably never see each other again; but I know I’ll always call you my friend.

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