Thursday, October 31, 2013

The Fictional Day

Today’s prompt: “If you could hang out with a celebrity for a day, who would that celebrity be? Why did you choose to hang out with him/her? What would you do or where would you spend that day?”

First of all, I’d like to point out that if I had a chance to hang out with any famous person for a day, I’d do everything I could to get out of it! I’m way too shy to want to do that kind of stuff.

That being said…

The choice for who’d I hang out with is obvious. There wasn’t even a moment’s hesitation when I read this prompt. I’d hang out with Elijah Wood.

It may be weird, and a sign of my extreme isolation from the real world, but I consider famous people that I like to read interviews with and follow a bit on what new movies their working on, to be my friends. And Elijah Wood’s been one of those friends since I was thirteen and watched The Lord of the Rings. 

Why would I choose to hang out with Elijah Wood? I’ve probably read a bit too many of his interviews, but I feel like we’ve got a lot of similar interests. We’re both geeks, love video games and music and good food, and we both play around with photography. So this is what a day hanging out with him could look like;

We’d roam the streets of New York City, taking street photography and checking out curious little shops and places. At lunch we’d find a little eatery that’s got some of the best food around. Then we’d play video games all evening long at his place while listening to music.

This pretty much sounds like a day that I’d spend with my older brother, minus the New York City part. And I also think it’s kind of creepy to talk about famous people like this, they’re normal people just like us; but this is what the prompt wanted. 

Always and Forever: Elijah Wood

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