Tuesday, December 29, 2015

A Cold and Sudden Surprise

Day 22 - Surprise Me Challenge

Today I was surprised by...

Hearing Dad's voice after knowing he's supposed to be at work

A transformed winter land outside

Little Sister's nastiness towards me no matter what I do

Falling completely into knee high snow

A recipe at the back of the audiobook I'm listening to

The fresh snow lay endlessly before me, like a vast wasteland of dangerously beautiful white nothingness. Even though I knew it was ludacrous, I plunged right in, jeans and everything. What was the fun of taking the recently plowed driveway when you could go knee high through perfect white powder? It was exhausting and cold, but completely worth it. Adventures never are conveniently comfortable, they wouldn't be adventures if they were! As I climbed up a high snow bank, legs numb but face exultant, the snow beneath me suddenly gave way and I plummeted down. I was almost submerged in the snow, bare hands burning against cold hard ice crystals. Quickly I got up and for an instant was tempted to worry about how wet and cold I'd be, and how ridiculous I probably had looked. But then I pushed those grown up thoughts aside and laughed long and joyously at myself, blundering through more snow drifts with little mind to my body. As I sobered up, I wished someone else was there with me, to laugh at me and with me. I could almost see my friends reactions to my fall in my imagination, like evaporating ghosts of better days. In this way, even in my almost constant solitude, I am never completely alone.

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