Monday, December 28, 2015

Hoverboarding Dentist Surprises

Day 21 - Surprise Me Challenge

Today I was surprised by...

Seeing a kid I knew at the dentist office

Finding out I don't have any cavities!

Seeing an ad at the food store to buy a hoverboard

Just for the record, I am a cavity factory. All the back teeth in my mouth are silver and black. I can almost pick up radio signals like Lucia Ball! (ok, just kidding about that one) One visit to the dentist revealed that over the course of half a year, six cavities had broken out. Yeah. When it comes to getting cavities filled and braving the Nova Cane needle, I'm a veteran. For these reasons I have come to dread dentist visits. I mean, besides all the normal factors that cause every kid to cringe at the thought, it has always been frustrating to hear the words "you do have three cavities, you'll have to schedule another appointment." Me, who brushes two times a day. Me, who flosses and avoids leaving cavity causing substances on my teeth too long. Me, who a nurse once told me just has the kind of teeth that gets cavities, no matter what I do. To hear the word "cavities" can be very frustrating. Today, however, I did not hear those words. It's always a good day when that happens. The surprising thing was that the visit before I was warned that I had four watch areas. Places about to become cavities. Plus, I had been neglecting my teeth duties, I've been so busy. Brushing only once a day and sometimes not even flossing - but that's our little secret. I thought for sure at least three of the four watch areas were full blown holes in my molars. At the dentist I kept waiting for them to break the news to me; "oh, and it looks like you have four cavities in the back you'll have to get filled in." But the news never came and I walked out of there a free man. As Little Sister and I got into the car and compared tooth brush colors, I still felt as if there had been some mistake made, but who was I to question professionals!?

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