Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Documenting a Day

Today's prompt: "Your day in photos."

Just a little warning; there's about 126 pictures in this post. So... yeah, if you tell me to document my day in pictures, the filmmaker inside of me gets a little out of control. Once a camera is in my hands, it's hard to stop me.

Sorry this post is a day late, I was trying to put it up yesterday but it took so long to upload all the pictures that I had to let it keep loading through the whole night.  
Wake up; 5:55 a.m.

That's how long it takes me to actually get out of bed

Cereal for breakfast

Yes, that's right. Cake. (well, technically a bar)


Getting ready to go to school

Playing Ninja for the last few minutes

Starting on my own school

Morning stretches

Looking for the sunrise (sadly, there were clouds)

Another exercise break. Doing push-ups; so far I can do 20, and no, not the girl-version

Hygiene time!

Then onto laundry

Yikes! I still have clothes from last week to fold

Surprise by Jars of Clay

The view from my laundry room

Stuff found in my pockets (except the belt of course)

Mom harvested the herbs today

Dad's checking for mold; a couple of the cookies had some.

My favorite, chicken biscuits!

First snack (I almost have as many meals as a Hobbit)

Working on school again

And finished for the day!

Back to laundry

Therapy by Relient K

Taking a rest on my bed (not a nap)


Just me and Dad today

Putting away clean clothes

Getting ready to write in my journal, where I'll become unresponsive for the next half hour or so

Chilling on my bed again

Laundry is an ongoing process throughout the whole day

Getting ready to go outside

Yes, I always run through the field like this when I'm happy (on warmer days you'll see me barefoot)


I love blue!

"JOY" A little art project the leaves told me to do

Jumping, another thing I love to do

The computer is beckoning!


I know a section of Fur Elise by heart and my fingers automatically play it whenever I switch on the keyboard

Yes, another mental rest. My batteries don't hold much charge for long (at least, on some days)

Bible study time

Little sister's back!!

Second snack

Looking out the window

The blue columbine, bought in Colorado, makes me miss that place; my second home

This is the best view in the late afternoon

Make a Move by Royal Tailor

A reused wipe container as a holder for used dryer sheets

Getting ready to do my scheduled chores

Cleaning bathrooms (mostly sweeping today)

If you haven't noticed, I'm kind of obsessed with the way the sun looks shining on and through opaque things

Starting up my mini laptop

Current short story I'm working on!

I've chosen the soundtrack of Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close to listen to while writing this story. I like to try to match the atmospheres of the music and the story

I finally get to settle down and write!

Suppertime. Leftovers

A school project

Mac-N-Cheese + pizza = perfect!

What can I say, we're geeks

My life source; ranch dressing

Can't even eat a crust without it

My one dessert for the day (breakfast doesn't count)


Hanging out in the laundry room

Thankful for You by TobyMac

I made her dance to the music

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My style of dancing is hopping up and down while spinning (I'm not a dancer, little sister is way better)

Tinker Bell

Uh-oh, little sister's got the camera

Eating ice cream while watching Star Trek, what could get better than that? (Eating it while watch Sherlock maybe)

Return to Tomorrow

Captain Kirk

My favorite character, Mr. Spock

Approaching the end of this fun day of pictures

A note I copied from the blog thingsweforget.blogspot.com

Sidetracked, it would be so cool to get these stamps!

The End (I promise)

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