Monday, October 14, 2013

If I had a...

Today's prompt: "Complete the sentence: If I had a _________, I would __________"

If I had a punching bag, I would use it every day; every time math refuses to work out, when I get impatient with the endless pages still left to read, every time an assignment demands that I work late into the night. I’d hang it in the garage and turn up the Skillet music loud as I pound out my frustrations. Like Lana in Smallville, I’d become as skilled as an agent from Mission Impossible because I’m tired of being the one that needs to be rescued. My dad wouldn’t have to warn me against walking out alone at night, or worry about me being kidnapped while riding my bike because he would know that no one could ever possibly hurt me. All because I would have a punching bag hanging up in the garage, and I would use it every day. (Guess who had a hard day with school and is listening to Skillet’s new album while writing this?)

*Disclaimer; for those of you who might be worried about me after reading this: I'm fine. If it doesn't come through the writing clearly enough, I wrote this with a tone of sardonic humor.


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