Monday, October 28, 2013


Today's prompt: "Write about something you believe in."

I believe in imagination; the ability to transform any normal day into a magical adventure.

The road stretches out ahead and the sun is setting right in front of us. A grain elevator looms up; black silhouetted. Something strange is on top; upon closer examination I see that it’s a monster that eating a large rat; right there on the top of the grain elevator! Or maybe it’s a giant rat eating a human… eww.

The fall wind blows at me hard. My hair and my light jacket are whipped back and I stand and boldly face the mighty winds head on. Rise to my tip toes; spread my arms out wide and for an instant I am an eagle, looking down the endless canyon cliff. Then I run, laugh with the wind. Leaping, a gust of wind swirls around me and lifts me to the clouds. I fly. Just like that day when I was only a baby and the autumn leaves danced golden all around me and the strong wind lifted me from the ground for a few, unforgettable seconds.

It’s been a hard day; my brain is used up and my eyes hurt. Stretching out on my bed, I cover my eyes with my arm. There is only blackness; stillness and the beating of my heart. Inside my mind, I go through all the stored up settings to explore. A jungle? Narrow alleyways in Paris? A low rumbling of water beckons me to the place where a crystal clear waterfall cascades down into white mist. I stand atop it, gazing down. Taking a deep breath of shimmering air, I jump. The water falls fast and clear and I fall along with it. Then, illogically, I am on the river bank of the bottom. No startling, wet landing. Bare feet mingle with cool, vivid green grass and the waterfall has been reduced to a running brook. I walk to it, run my fingers through its icy waters. Besides the running, joyful sound of the water, all else is silent.

Imagination is a part of who I am; a daydreamer.


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